Jay and Kelley's Ukrainian Trip

After three years and 14 days of waiting for our adoption, God has answered our prayers and we are now on our way to Ukraine. We have made this blog to help our family keep up with us as we go to find our new child. "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you." John 15:7

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Day 11

Groundhog Day? Rainy and cold again today, thought about just rolling over and sleeping the day away (don't even say it Heather!) Just kidding we were really excited to go see Chas this morning and have become accustomed to our days here.
I am sorry to inform you (Bo especially) the Twinkie is out of commission. Rashid had a little accident yesterday (he was driving an Italian couple that was finishing their adoption) so we were not with him when it happened. We were a little worried when he did not show up in the evening though to take us to Our Children so we called Svitlana in Kiev and she called him. He did not have any numbers to call and tell us he could not come. We were really bummed that we could not get to the orphanage but Svitlana called another driver (yes he drives a twinkie too) who came about an hour later and took us. We did not get there until 5:10, so we were late but they let us play anyway. It was a good visit just as they all are becoming. We've discovered the room with all the slides and tunnels is the best because there are not little toys all around to distract Charles like in the music room. We left about 6 and had the driver drop us at Lenin Square (the main square) and we found a phone store to recharge our phone. Jeanie I believe we were in the middle of our conversation when Jay so rudely interrupted us! Actually the whole time he was asking me to get off the phone I thought it was because he was being a butt, really there was a fight with about 10 teens going on and he wanted me to quit speaking English so we wouldn't draw attention to ourselves! GO figure! We were going to go out to dinner but it was getting late and the walk from Lenin Square is a little spooky (about 1/2 mile) so we decided to go on home and have some dinner (bet you think we had ham and cheese)...Nope... We changed it up a little and had some butter noodles. If we both come back 10 pounds lighter you will know why.
Right now we are sitting at the internet cafe, Jay has his own computer today. Since we have about 3 hours before the driver gets back we thought we would catch up on e-mail and type our blog from here. Usually we type it in the apt and then come here and send, or just send it from the apt. via Bluetooth. Again we are changing it up a little (call us crazy) and maybe we will actually go out to lunch before we go back to Our Children. The visit this morning went great, we played in the play room for an hour. Charles loves it when Jay throws him in the ball pit and then tickle him. I am the 'saver' and rescue him from sinking in the balls. There is a neat tunnel, but we have not gotten him to go through it and we don't fit - maybe after we lose the 10 pounds. He doesn't seem to like to go 'into' anything. He doesn't like the tents filled with balls or any of the little houses, cant figure out why. He let me look through some books with him, I showed him Bubby and then I kissed Bubby's picture, which was funny because about 10 minutes later we were playing/running around and I think he thought we were getting ready to leave so he ran over to his backpack and got out the picture of Bubby and sat down to read and kissed Bubby. We haven't gotten him to say Bubby yet but he did show interest in the pictures of home. After about an hour we went up to the music room. The keyboard he has been dying to play with was sitting on the couch so we figured that he could play with it. He loved it! He played and sang for about 15 min and then we had to go because our driver was waiting. We will head back at 3:30.
I know you are all waiting to hear about the paperwork. As we stand right now the State Department told Svitlana they would sign it on Monday (she thinks Friday) and she will travel by train Monday night arriving Tuesday morning and we will go to court Tuesday. If all goes well, we will have to wait 10 days from Tuesday until we can pick him up. That would mean a Friday night train to Kiev arriving Saturday morning and starting paperwork on Monday. There is 3-4 days of paperwork in Kiev and then hopefully Charles and I can depart by that weekend. Jay will be on a plane to the states on the Saturday morning we return to Kiev so it will just be me and Charles for a week. Not the best plan, a little scary, but that how it is shaping up right now. Jay has to be back at work on Tuesday morning so he can not stay here with us. As you all know, things can change in an instant so this is our best case scenario right now.
Heath, I don't know why we keep getting disconected. Don't get too frustrated.
We love you all!
hugs and kisses


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